Nowadays, AI is entering in almost every field. From our daily day to day usage of various social media apps to the use of smart devices, AI is collecting information about us. No doubt! AI makes our life easier in many aspects, but also raising a lot of privacy concerns.
So the big question arises that how can we protect our personal information from Ai??
AI can help us protect our personal information as well as our privacy, this can be done by using AI-powered privacy tools and they can help us in fighting against AI surveillance.
Let’s find out what is AI Surveillance?
AI surveillance is technology which uses artificial intelligence to track us and collecting information about us. Ai can used to track human’s facial expressions also they can identify people through photos etc. Researchers are also working on various models of AI which can also track human behaviour and can predict human’s future action based on their previous ones.
These tools can helpful and valuable for us without the shadow of doubt, but many times we don’t feel that we are regularly being watched.
How can AI act as saviour for us instead of an invader of our privacy??
AI is not something which can only harm our privacy, Instead it can also has ability to save our data and information from getting misuse and stolen. It can be done by using various tools available in the market which are as follows :
1. Encryption tools:
Encryption is the process of setting up data into an unreadable code that can only be accessed by authorized users. so, There are many tools available which can used to encrypt data and it can be sent to anyone without any breach to the privacy of data.
2. Private Browsing with VPNs:
when we are using internet to perform any task such as browsing or using social media etc, Our IP address can give away our location and also the information which are we accessing on internet. This can be prevented by using AI-powered VPNs (virtual Private Networks) which helps to keep the information private by sending internet through different servers.
3. Facial Recognition Protection:
Few special AI systems has ability to stop facial recognition systems from identifying us by changing how our face looks in real-time, that’s why cameras are unable to recognise us .
This technology can be really helpful in places with lots of surveillance.
4. Privacy Management Apps:
There are many apps that uses AI to analyse when our personal data is being collected, and they can inform us if there is something wrong happening with our data. These apps allows us to use internet freely without the fear of misuse of our data.
These are the major AI-Powered techniques which helps us to prevent our important information.
Can privacy tools keep up with AI Surveillance?
AI surveillance technology is evolving day by day, so the challenge for privacy tools is also increasing to protect our data.AI surveillance has become increasingly more advanced over the years, and it has not been easy for privacy tools to keep up. On the other hand, tools that are meant to protect us are improving with respect to the AI surveillance. The main issue is how we can construct safeguards that are versatile and flexible towards different shape advancements in surveillance technology.
therefore, we hope to see even stronger tools focusing on protecting
privacy, but it will require cooperation from the developers, governments, and privacy enthusiasts to ensure that sensitive data remains protected.
AI is helping human in many areas. We can also see the example of the field of AI surveillance. This field is regularly upgrading day by day to improve our safety and security, but it also causing threats to our privacy and information.
So, we need strong AI-powered technologies like encryption, using VPNs and devices which can be used to block facial recognition from AI surveillance in order to protect our important and personal data from unauthorized users. In this way, we can use internet more efficiently and productively.